

Eclipse Explorer 4.x is a millstone version. It de-couples the resources and the development language plugin under Eclipse platform. And it’s possible to integrated the Eclipse Explorer to your RCP products or other Eclipse IDE for xxx developer. (such as Eclipse for Java IDE).

Our aim is making the most powerful explorer plugin of Eclipse, if you are insterting, invite you to join us sincerely.


  • Fork Eclipse Explorer
  • Submit fragment project to Eclipse Explorer
  • Bundle-Name suggested to explorer4xxx, xxx is the dev lang, e.g. explorer4java
  • Feature Name suggested to name as Eclipse explorer for xxx, e.g. Eclipse explorer for CDT

Fragment list

  • Eclipse explorer for Java, for Eclipse standard or other Java versions
  • Eclipse explorer for CDT, for Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers

Dev guide

  • New fragment project
    Eclipse->New->Others->Plugin Development->Fragment Project



  • Set fragment dependencies
    Add the fragment dependencies, e.g. add org.eclipse.jdt.core for explorer4java fragment.

  • Extension AdapterFactory
    New class such as and extend cn.ieclipse.pde.explorer.AdapterFactory. Rewrite getExplorable() abstract method and return the IExplorable object.


Copy Code

public IExplorable getExplorable(Object obj) {
    String path = null;
    if (obj instanceof IJavaElement) {
        // java project.
        if (obj instanceof IJavaProject) {
            path = ((IJavaProject) obj).getProject().getLocation()
            return new Explorer(path, null);
        // jar resource is null
        else if (obj instanceof JarPackageFragmentRoot) {
            String file = ((IPackageFragmentRoot) obj).getPath()
            // get folder
            return new Explorer(null, file);
        else if (obj instanceof IPackageFragmentRoot) {
            // src folder
            IPackageFragmentRoot src = ((IPackageFragmentRoot) obj);
            IProject p = src.getJavaProject().getProject();
            String prjPath = p.getLocation().toOSString();
            path = new File(prjPath, src.getElementName())
            return new Explorer(path, null);
            // System.out.println(path);
        else if (obj instanceof IPackageFragment) {// other : package
            IResource resource = ((IPackageFragment) obj).getResource();
            path = resource.getLocation().toOSString();
            return new Explorer(path, null);
        else {// member:filed:
            IResource resource = ((IJavaElement) obj).getResource();
            String file = resource.getLocation().toOSString();
            // get folder
            return new Explorer(null, file);
    return null;
  • Configure extensions
    In fragment.xml Editor->Extensions Tab, add org.eclipse.core.runtime.adapters extension.

    ![image](/p/eclipse-explorer/develop/new_extension.png) ![image](/p/eclipse-explorer/develop/add_adapter_factory_extension.png)


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  • Debug
    Debug fragment project as Eclipse Application. “Error log” is suggested to show.

  • Create feature
    After debuging and testing, New->Project->Plugin Development->Feature Project to create feature.
    Add the created feature to cn.ieclipse.pde.explorer.feature project Included Features tab. Finally rebuild the project then test the feature installation.


Make sure the fragment/feature/update site passing the test, then publish fragment to Eclipse marketplace or published as Eclipse Explorer fragment. Finally, fork Eclipse Explorer and edit the to insert the fragment and author info and pull a request.

Published as Eclipse Explorer fragment is recommended, please mail to update the information on Eclipse Marketplace.